Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How does Anabolism and Catabolism effect your workout routine?

You can maximize the effect of your perfect workout by achieving a balance in Anabolic and Catabolic stage. 

Mind2Muscles - Fitness Facts

Anabolism and catabolism are two important components of metabolism. They both effect your muscle mass and body composition. Human body works in an amazing way. It is like an inbuilt automated factory which keeps on breaking and regenerating cells and tissues.

Both anabolism and catabolism are important processes to keep you healthy and look fantastic. In the anabolic stage your body consumes energy. In the catabolic stage your body releases energy. You gain some you spend some.

Now! What is happening in your workout routine?

Your body is consuming energy. It is repairing the tissues. Growing new cells. Keeping the old tissues healthy. In the process your body is self healing during anabolic stage.

On the other hand during catabolic stage. The body breaks down the larger molecules to their building blocks. It releases energy. Your body is getting energy from the Energy Stores in your body.

Your workout exercises are categorized into these two- Anabolic workout and Catabolic workout. These routines will work in their own way having different effects on your body. Ultimately leading to the desired end result – Overall Fat Loss.

Well! What is the advantage of such a routine?

It is manifolds. While your body is gaining the desired muscle mass. Anabolic exercise is also shedding off the unwanted fat.

Side-wise your body mass is also going down and the credit goes to Catabolic exercise. You can pick a combination of both of these exercise. Or Your trainer can help you to choose an effective combination to achieve fast and long-lasting weight loss.

Focus! When does your body reach Anabolic State?

Here your target is to increase the muscle mass. So where would your focus be! Yes, you are right. Your entire focus would be on strength training.

During strength training exercise you choose a workout which offers resistance. You can choose weights and machines. These exercises help in breaking down the muscle tissue. The auto healing process for these broken tissue start when your body is at rest or you sleep. New and more muscle fibers develop. That leads to the increase of muscle mass.

The Anabolic hormones that are important for muscle growth are a group of hormones. These include Growth Hormones, insulin – like growth factor - 1 (IGF-1) and Testosterone. These hormones increase when you weight train.
Testosterone acts to increase protein synthesis. In addition it increases satellite cell count which plays an important role in muscle growth, regeneration and repair.

Awareness! When does Catabolic State start?

Catabolic state is achieved when you perform cardiovascular exercise. These include running, biking, swimming or engaging in some sports activity. These activities need 20 to 45 minutes of your workout plan. Adrenalin, Glucagon, Cortisol are catabolic hormones. They help in burning fat and calories. If you engage on cardiovascular exercise on empty stomach the blood sugar level is surely to go down. In such situation Glucagon breaks down the body fat to release glucose into blood to maintain the level.

Cortisol is often referred to as stress hormone. It converts fatty acids and amino acids into glucose. This can adversely affect hypertrophy by slowing down the protein synthesis. As amino acids would be converted to glucose.

Adrenalin increases your heart rate and gives you a boost to take your workout a step further. In other words, it helps you to maximize your workout.

Upshot! Will blending Catabolic and Anabolic workouts help me?

High intensity interval training boosts your endurance and aerobic performance. Blending Catabolic and Anabolic together make your workouts more intense. You can do alternate or mix routines. It will result in taking away boredom and instill a surge of excitement and interest in your workout. Happy workout happy muscles.

Caution! Overdose of Catabolism ends up in Fat gains.

Catabolism can be triggered by a number of activities. Stress, lack of sleep, over exercise, not enough rest. The hormones released during Catabolic activities are desirable only up to a certain amount. When they exceed that level undesired symptoms like fat gain appear. 

Cardiovascular activities are wonderful for your heart and body. The best way to avoid prolonged catabolism is to restrict your cardiovascular exercise to not more than 40 to 60 minutes. Give yourself proper nutrition. Follow correct recovery schedule so that you gain muscle mass, leaner body, perfect physique and overall healthy body.


Your choice of exercise weather it is weight lifting, High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT), Whole Body Vibration(WBV) or isometric exercise. Your body consumes glucose present in the bloodstream and let your muscles grow and regain strength. Only if you force your muscles to work against resistance, to burn energy and to gain strength and power. Strength training session will burn less calories as compared to a cardio session. But in the long run, you will reap the harvest. The boon will be strengthened muscles, lean mass and a high metabolic rate. You will get a rich healthy body.

P.S. I want you to share some of your interesting workout experiences with me. 
Please comment below and tell me how this article has helped you.

Healthy workout!


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